We had a wonderful time at the 2003 reunion - and hope you did too! We had nearly 80 family members that attended.
We are currently assembling a picture page - but it will still be a while longer...
If you have stories or pictures from the reunion, please send them into the e-mail address at the bottom of this page!
Official Dunning Reunion 2003 Wallpaper for your computer desktop!
First, click on the picture above, let the 1024x768 (334kb) image load fully, then right click on the
image, and then left-click on SET AS WALLPAPER... and you are done.
Here, you can peruse the info below, which reveals what we were up to for the Reunion Weekend.
Schedule of Events
Friday March 28th
Gathering will start at 4pm with a catered barbecue supper served about 6pm at the
Robert George Dunning homestead; 135 Noble Avenue West, in Thomasville. From US43 turn east onto Noble Avenue
and go 3+ blocks. Cost for supper will be between $10-12 per person. Good food & good music! Bring a musical
instrument if you can and play along!! Dress for the evening is casual. Park on the street, wherever available,
but do not block driveways please. Local family members may be needed to bring appetizers – please contact
Betty Davis at 636-0444.
Saturday March 29th
Cemetery tours are available in the morning, starting at 10am; first a visit to Choctaw
Corners and then to Dixons Mills.
Lunch is on your own.
Afternoon options include:
A visit to the Wilkinson farm just north of Lamison is hoped for, however our visit
is conditional, and will only occur if we are given permission. Therefore, we will not know until the Friday
BBQ whether or not this field-trip is possible. Please do not drive out there unless you are certain we have
a “green light”. Thank you for understanding!
Or, if you are interested in the Sample family ancestors (Sarah Sample married
Thomas H. Dunning in 1844), you can take a drive north to the Baptist Church in Jefferson where you can
view a historical marker before strolling up the road to the Old Cemetery where many Sample’s are buried
In the evening at 6pm we will have a group supper at Ezell’s Fish Camp (pay your
own way), located 17 miles west of Dixons Mills on the Tombigbee River. From Thomasville a 27 mile total
> trip, so allow yourself an hour to drive out to Ezell’s. Dress for the evening is casual. If you can share
more of your musical talents with us, by all means bring your instrument along for the fun.
Sunday March 30th
Church services are available at the Southern Baptist Church in Dixons Mills;
services start promptly at 11am. Between Dixons Mills and Thomasville, there is no shortage for a place
of worship, be it Methodist, or Presbyterian, or other faith… all are welcome, all are available.
At this time there are no specific plans for anything organized this afternoon,
however that doesn’t mean that we won’t think of something! Watch this space!!!
Notes to keep in mind during the Family Reunion weekend...
If you need to contact any of the organizers during the event weekend for any reason, reach them on these mobile-cell numbers:
Barbara Ball (828) 266-2095 or Adam Reif (650) 380-0957
If you arrive in Thomasville before Friday, we will be somewhere in town Thursday evening for Supper. Contact Barbara or Adam for directions.
One excursion not to miss if you arrive early is a visit to the Clarke County Museum located in Grove Hill, about 15 miles south of Thomasville on US43 at the junction with US84. Hours on Thursday/Friday/Monday 10am-4pm. Closed on Saturday/Sunday. It is a worthwhile trip with many interesting displays and historical information, some of which include your own family history!
Children are welcome at all times and encouraged to attend!
There will be nametags to help us remember who we are - that will cut down on the “hey you!” comments. Along with your name, please list your significant Dunning (or other) ancestor. Display the nametag for the duration of the reunion.
You are encouraged to bring photo albums or other family mementos to share. Be sure to have your name marked so that it gets back to you.
If you have a family story or two, we’ll have some time set aside each evening to share those tall tales with everyone.
Dress comfortably, dress casual.
Beer & wine will be available at the evening events; please drink responsibly.
At some point during the weekend, check in with Adam Reif to make certain that your family data has been recorded properly. After the event is concluded (and Adam has the chance to catch his breath) a personal ancestral genealogy printout can be sent to you via US Mail. Sign-up for that with Adam, by providing your full name, and your mailing address.
Everyone helping with this event are volunteers, not to mention the folks that are allowing us to gather at the Noble Avenue house are doing so out of kindness and friendship – be sure to lend a hand setting up tables & chairs if needed, and dispose of garbage properly in the provided containers.
We really want to have some fun with our family musicians – bring banjos, guitars, harmonicas, concertinas, keyboards, washboards and your spoons!
Direct your Dunning comments to
Adam Reif: 1adam12 [at] designmassif [dot] com